by Krista McGee
Release Date: 07/15/14Thomas Nelson Publishers
All her life Thalli thought she was an anomaly. Now she must use her gifts to fulfill the role she was called to play: Revolutionary.
Back in the underground State against her will, Thalli is no longer the anomaly she was before. She has proven herself to be a powerful leader aboveground and returns with information that Dr. Loudin needs to complete his plan of uniting the world under one leader: himself. But he, too, has information. A secret he has kept from Thalli her entire life. A secret that, once revealed, changes everything about the person Thalli thought she was.
Hoping to help Thalli rise up against the Scientists, both Berk and Alex join her underground, but their presence only brings more trouble for her. Now Dr. Loudin knows just the leverage to use on his captive, and she is forced to choose between the two of them. Is her first love her true love? Or does Alex ultimately claim her heart?
Unsure of everything around her, including her own identity, Thalli doesn’t know where to turn. She knows she needs the Designer, but he seems further away than ever. What she does know, though, is that if she doesn’t do something to stop Loudin, the fragile world aboveground will be lost once and for all.
Links to book one and two:
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Krista writes for teens, teaches teens, and more often than not, acts like a teen. She and her family have lived and ministered in Texas, Costa Rica, and Spain. Her current hometown is Tampa, FL.
Author Links:
My Writer’s Routine
Brew a full pot of coffee
Read my Bible
Stay in my pj’s (comfy=creative)
Make cup of coffee #1
Open the blinds so I can see outside
Check my e-mail
Check my Facebook
Make cup of coffee #2
Check e-mail and Facebook again, just in case something came up in the last 10 minutes that I might need to know
Check the library website to see if the books I requested are in yet
Open the folder that contains the book I am working on
Make cup of coffee #3
Remind myself that three cups of coffee in one hour makes me sick and I shouldn’t do it again
Pour a big glass of water to dilute all the caffeine in my system
Take a bathroom break
Eat breakfast
One more check of my Facebook and e-mail
A mental flogging that I have now wasted an hour and half of precious writing time drinking coffee and checking Facebook
Maximize my Word document and begin where I left off
(Unless it’s been a while, then I need to read the whole thing again to remind myself where I was)
Write nonstop for about three hours – not speaking to anybody, but occasionally checking Facebook
Stand up and stretch, grab a Coke Zero and a snack
Write nonstop for another three hours
Decide that, since it is now after 3pm, I should get out of my pj’s
Change into real clothes and thus lose all creative power
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this is the first i've come across this series and it sounds intriguing :) Thanks for sharing!