Author: Mary G. Thompson
Pub. Date: January 3, 2017
Publisher: Clarion Books
Pages: 384
Formats: Hardcover, eBook
Romance, intrigue, and plenty of action are woven into a rich and suspenseful narrative in this powerful YA fantasy. The mixed-race heroine Myra is a Flickerkin and can flicker (become invisible) at will. She hasn’t cultivated or revealed this ability, since Flickerkin are persecuted as potential criminals and spies. When invisible people become tricksters and then murderers, Myra’s Flickerkin heritage becomes a deadly secret, putting her relationship with the leader’s son—and her own life—in jeopardy. Loyalties shift and difficult choices are made before Myra understands who she wants to be.
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Mary G. Thompson was raised in Cottage Grove and Eugene, OR. She was a practicing attorney for more than seven years, including almost five years in the US Navy, and is now a law librarian in Washington, DC. She received her BA from Boston University, her JD from the University of Oregon, and her MFA in Writing for Children from The New School.
With my head down and my eyes flooded with tears, I nearly ran smack into the Deputy. He stood blocking our way out of the Council box. Four guardsmen stood behind him.
“Excuse me, Your Excellency,” said my father.
“I’m sorry, Donray,” the Deputy said. The guardsman Brach made a little motion as if tipping a nonexistent hat, his sarcasm apparent.
“For what are you sorry?” my father asked coldly.
“We must take you into custody for the charges.”
We both stared at him. My father kept a hand on my shoulder.
“It’s for your own safety, Donray,” the Deputy said. “In light of this attack, the public will not tolerate it if a man who has harbored a Flickerkin walks free.” My mother’s words flashed before me. The Deputy again pretended he was forced to act.
My father’s hand tightened on my shoulder.
“You don’t need to worry about Miss Hailfast,” the Deputy said. “She will come live with me. I will personally see that she is taken care of in the manner appropriate for a Member’s daughter.”
My blood froze. Live with the Deputy?
“I am no threat to anyone,” my father said quietly. “My daughter does not deserve to have both her parents taken away.”
“I’m sorry,” the Deputy said again.
“The Council can’t have voted in the last five minutes,” said my father.
“They have already voted on the charges, Donray,” said the Deputy. “No further vote is needed.”
A wall of men, the Deputy and the four guardsmen, faced us. There was no way for us to escape what they called justice. My father turned to me. “Myra, I will not let this continue. I will be back before you know it.”
“Poppa, no,” I said. But I could do nothing.
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Tour Schedule:
Week One:
12/26/2016- Twinning for Books- Interview
12/27/2016- Seeing Double In Neverland- Review
12/28/2016- Wandering Bark Books- Guest Post
12/29/2016- Fiktshun- Review
12/30/2016- YA Book Madness- Interview
Week Two:
1/2/2017- Fiction Fare- Review
1/3/2017- A Gingerly Review- Excerpt
1/4/2017- Curling Up With A Good Book - Excerpt
1/5/2017- Two Chicks on Books- Interview
Sounds good can't wait to read this.I love the cover.