Author: Kristi Helvig
Pub. Date: April 28, 2015
Publisher: EgmontUSA
Pages: 272
Formats: Hardcover, eBook
Find it: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Goodreads
Action, adventure, and romance are heating up in this sequel to the futuristic science fiction thriller Burn Out. Perfect for fans of Across the Universe and The Memory of After.
Caelia is the new Earth. That's what the Consulate told everyone and, against all odds, Tora finally has made it there. She can't see the ocean from her cell in the Consulate's containment center, and she doesn't know what happened to the weapons her father died for and she's risked her life to save.
But as she plans her escape, she runs into the last person she ever expected to see-her dad. The Consulate has kept held him prisoner in a complicated plot designed to lure Tora out of hiding. Now Tora has a new purpose: break free, get the guns, and save her father.
But first she'll have to navigate a strange new planet, track down James (whose loyalties still remain questionable), and find Kale…before he finds her first.
Releases simultaneously in eBook format (ISBN: 978-160684-482-3).
Story Locale: Caelia, a planet colonized after Earth becomes unhabitable
Series Overview: In a future where the sun has turned into a red giant, making Earth unhabitable, a teen girl fights for survival while trying to protect the special weapons her father invented from falling into government control.
Kristi Helvig is a Ph.D. clinical psychologist turned sci-fi/fantasy author. Her first novel, BURN OUT (Egmont USA), which Kirkus Reviews called “a scorching series opener not to be missed,” follows 17-year-old Tora Reynolds, one of Earth’s last survivors, when our sun burns out early. In the sequel, STRANGE SKIES, coming 4/28/2015, Tora makes it to a new planet only to discover a whole new host of problems—and the same people who still want her dead. Order Kristi’s books through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your favorite local retailer. Kristi muses about Star Trek, space monkeys, and other assorted topics on her blog at www.kristihelvig.com and Twitter (@KristiHelvig). You can also find her on Facebook. Kristi resides in sunny Colorado with her hubby, two kiddos, and behaviorally-challenged dogs.
So first off...I have a serious weakness for YA survival stories and dystopians and I absolutely loved the first book in this series, Burn Out. Burn Out was so different than anything I have ever read before....a world where the sun is so hot that you can't walk outside without being burned and dying within minutes.
Strange Skies picks up about 3 months in the future from where Burn Out ended. Tora has been captured and is being kept by the Consulate by staying drugged and basically unconscious.
Tora begins to come out of her drug-induced sleep and recognizes a familiar face....within the next few hours Tora is rescued and she and the "familiar face" escape from the Consulate in search of the new city where the rest of the resistance is hiding.
The escape begins a stream of action-packed, suspense filled scenes with Tora and her friends trying to survive and beat the Consulate. Strange Skies has everything that I love in a sequel...the introduction of new characters, continuing breath-taking romance, and unimaginable secrets that are revealed in the perfect moment.......
I would recommend Strange Skies to anyone who loves science fiction, dystopian, or a great survival story. I absolutely loved Strange Skies and cannot wait to read the conclusion to see where Tora and her friends end up....and who survives the Consulate...
1 winner will receive a signed paperback of BURN OUT and a signed hard cover of STRANGE SKIES...plus swag! US Only.
Tour Schedule
Week One:
4/20/2015- Dark Faerie Tales- Interview
4/21/2015- Curling Up With A Good Book- Review
4/22/2015- Such a Novel Idea- Guest Post
4/23/2015- Addicted Readers- Review
4/24/2015- A Book and a Latte- Interview
Week Two:
4/27/2015- Reading with ABC- Guest Post
4/28/2015- Moonlight Gleam Reviews- Review
4/29/2015- Bookhounds ya- Interview
4/30/2015- Library of a Book Witch- Review
5/1/2015- Two Chicks on Books- Guest Post
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