NEVERLAND by Shari Arnold
Official Blog Tour
Hosted by MMSAI Tours
Author: Shari Arnold
Release Date: April 7th, 2015
It’s been four months since seventeen-year-old Livy Cloud lost her younger sister, but she isn’t quite ready to move on with her life — not even close. She’d rather spend her time at the Seattle Children’s hospital, reading to the patients and holding onto memories of the sister who was everything to her and more.
But when she meets the mysterious and illusive Meyer she is drawn into a world of adventure, a world where questions abound.
Is she ready to live life without her sister? Or more importantly, is she brave enough to love again?
In this modern reimagining of Peter Pan, will L
ivy lose herself to Neverland or will she find what she’s been searching for?
Shari Arnold grew up in California and Utah but now resides in Connecticut, with her husband and two kids, where she finds it difficult to trust a beach without waves. She writes Young Adult fiction because it's her favorite. And occasionally she takes photographs.
- What gave you the inspiration to write this book?
I was staring out the window one day (I know, but this seems to happen a lot actually) I was a bit fixated on the rooftops, and then it appeared. That Peter Pan idea. I’ve always been intrigued by Peter Pan ever since I first read the book at the age of fourteen. And then later my husband and I were talking about how many classic stories were being recreated and he asked me, “What story would you re-imagine?”
I didn’t even have to think about it.
“Peter Pan. I would change the names, the ages, the story. Yes. Peter Pan, definitely.”
- Who is your favorite character in the book?
Oh boy. There are so many I can relate to, but I have to say my favorite character to write was Meyer. At first he terrified me. I honestly didn’t know if I could write a Peter Pan character, but he became his own. He pretty much wrote himself. He has such energy and life, and, of course, that one thing every person should have: the ability to fly.
- Which came first, the title or the novel?
The title was easy. Once I knew what I was going to write about there was no doubt what the title would be. So I guess the idea, but the title followed soon after.
- What scene in the book are you most proud of, and why?
So many scenes were difficult to write and were written over and over again, but I have to say I’m most proud of the ending. I fought many people on that ending. I believed in it wholeheartedly and there was no way I was going to change it.
- Thinking way back to the beginning, what’s the most important thing you’ve learned as a writer from then to now?
Keep writing. I know it sounds completely obvious but in my situation (where many many times I felt like giving up) it’s the only thing that made sense. I love telling stories and the thought of stopping hurt too much. So I just kept writing.
- What do you like most about the cover of the book?
Um. Everything. =) I love her hair, how it’s moved slightly by the wind. I love the suitcase; how it hints that she’s on a journey. I love the sky and the rocks and the butterflies. I love how simple it is and yet I could stare at it forever.
- What new release book are you looking most forward to in 2015?
A. C. Gaughen’s Lion Heart. I am such a fan of this series. I could read these books over and over and over again. In fact I have. I love them that much.
8. What was your favorite book in 2014?
I love the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. I can’t wait for the rest of the series. Every time I pick up her books I’m immediately lost in the world of Celaena.
- What’s up next for you?
I am currently working on edits for my next YA paranormal, MYSTIQUE, out in the fall as well as writing the next book in my KATE TRIUMPH series.
One winner will get a signed copy of Neverland and a $10.00 Amazon Gift card.
Open to US only.
I read the book, Second Star by Alyssa Sheinmel, which was a Peter Pan inspired story. I really enjoyed the way she explored the themes in Peter Pan and adapted it to a beach/surfer culture.