Stages of GraceDenial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance...When facing death a mourning period is to be expected. But what if it's not a person but a relationship that dies? Grace and her boyfriend Jon have been together for three years. They live together and have shared many beautiful memories. Those memories are what keep Grace from admitting Jon has changed and is no longer the man she fell in love with.
Afraid of being alone and holding on to something that no longer exists Grace is a shadow of her former self. Her daily objective is to hide her pain from the world. Then, an unexpected letter sets off a whirlwind of potential life changes. In life sometimes the hardest thing to do is let go.
Carey Heywood lives in Richmond Va with her husband, three children and nine pound attack Yorkie. Unabashedly silly, she spends her free time bonding with candy loving strangers on Twitter. Right now she is probably eating Swedish fish.
Author Links:
@careylolo (not a link but I
tweet so...)
Tour Schedule
April 15 - Total Book Geek *Review,
Character Bio & Giveaway
April 16 - [B.O.O.K.L.I.F.E] *Review,
- Howling Books and
Designs *Excerpt, Giveaway
April 17 - Book Crazy *Review,
- Literary Meanderings *Excerpt,
April 18 - Curling Up With A
Good Book *Spotlight, Author Interview
- Rachel Walter :
Author *Excerpt, Author Interview
April 19 - The
(Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl *Review,
April 20 - Basia's Bookshelf *Review
- 'Smile and Keep Reading...' *Interview
April 21 - Mercy Amare *Review,
April 22 - Tiffany Talks Books *Review
- Books & Other
Spells *Author Interview, Giveaway
April 23 - Rai29BookReadNReview *Author
Interview, Character Bio
April 24 - Book Crush *Review,
April 25 - The Serial Reader *Review
- Helen Boswell :
Author *Review, Character Bio
April 26 - The Brooke Book
Bank *Excerpt, Character Bio, Giveaway
April 27 - Bookmarks,
Spoilers and Happily Ever After *Excerpt
- Distinctive
Reviews *Review, Excerpt, Giveaway
April 28 - Moosubi Reviews! *Review,
- Pika Pages *Author
- 'Smile and Keep Reading...' *Review
April 29 - Just Me, Myself,
and I *Review, Excerpt
- SupaGurl Books *Pintrest
Post (Grace)

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