It s a headline we all have seen: Global warming is melting the Arctic. Once the Arctic sea ice has vanished, the majestic polar bear, a magnificent creature who needs the sea ice to survive will vanish, too. The ice is home to the bears, as well as to their primary food source, the ringed seal. Polar bears feed, mate, travel, den, and give birth on the ice. Some scientists say polar bears will be extinct within fifty years if something isn t done, and soon.
Snowy White World to Save by Stephanie Lisa Tara
Illustrated by Alex Walton

On a quiet, moonlit beach, a baby green sea turtle stirs from a dream of home. Slowly, slowly, with a tap, crick, crack, the baby turtle embarks upon a mysterious nighttime journey. Gentle, tender verse and enchanting illustrations carry this tranquil tale from sand to sea.
Illustrated by Lee Edward Fodi
What a beautiful story of a baby turtle's journey into this world. He has one common goal and that is to reach his Mama out in the world. He knows where she is and he is determined to survive and make it. Again, the illustrations in this book are beautiful and I love the soft colors. Great story and I would definitely recommend it.
Gwynne, Fair & Shining is a twenty-four page children's book, written in verse, about a young girl who learns she is special and can be anything she wants to be.
Gwynne Fair & Shining by Stephanie Lisa Tara
Illustrated by Lee Edward Fodi

I loved how the book expressed music as so beautiful. The story was witty and fun. My son laughed and laughed as we read it. We loved every minute of it and read it twice. The illustrations in the book were pretty and cheerful.
Even when you are little, you can imagine big. At closing time a key locks the library, and unlocks the dreams of a little mouse who waits in the shadows. Skipping, sliding, down the pages of books? he steps inside magical stories, inviting readers to come along for the ride. Witty verse and fantastical illustrations celebrate the joys of reading in this tale with innovative charm.
Little Library Mouse by Stephanie Lisa Tara
Illustrated by Alex Walton
My favorite thing about this story was the rhyming. When reading the story to my 5 year old he really enjoyed the rhyming of the words. This helps understand the story better and makes it fun. It was a very cute story and another definite recommendation.
Where has mother gone? Mothers don’t leave. Mothers stay, forever. Mothers are like redwood trees, those special forever trees that grow hundreds of feet high and live for thousands of years. Mothers read storybooks aloud. They know the power of a story. Power that can even make the wrong-beats of a child’s heart go away.
Maybe the monarch butterfly was right? Perhaps they should make the journey. The one that was too long, and too far, for a girl with a wrong-beating heart. Yet there was someone in the redwood forest that Eliza just knew could help. Not just any someone. Another mother. The first mother. The one, Eliza’s own mother had spoken of. Great Mother Redwood. The very first, the oldest and wisest redwood tree of them all. She, who started the forest thousands of years ago, might know where mother had gone. It seemed impossible. To find one who had never been seen, one who had only been spoken of? Yet. Mothers dont leave. They are like redwood trees. They stay, forever.
Eliza decided she must try. She would put one foot in front of the other, slowly. She would take small steps. She knew the butterfly would be patient alongside her. Down the path. To the forever trees.
To find Great Mother Redwood.
Eliza's Forever Trees by Stephanie Lisa Tara
Illustrated by Alex Walton
I've always believed that magic hides in special places. As a child, people would often stare at my bright red hair, which was very, very bright indeed.Unfortunately, I developed a bad habit of making up rhymes about all of them, and they soon became funny characters. I didn't have much time to think about being different; fanciful lyricisms danced in my head, and no one was safe!Since then, I've come to believe that storytelling has the power to inspire a deep love of language and learning. Words tripping off the tongue in somersaults that stick to your thoughts like taffy-- those are the things that stay forever in the mind.I've lived in many special places: on a farm, in a city skyscraper, on a tropical beach, and in the beautiful country of France. Now I live in northern California, between the redwood forests and the sea. Even though I'm an adult, I'm still as silly as ever.Many nice words have been used to describe my books, such as fun, engaging, delightful, and whimsical. Some folks say that I deliver timeless messages of love for kids and parents to share again and again; this makes me very happy. I hope that you'll enjoy my stories, too. Captivating children with language is something that I believe in, and I strive to live my life with this always.--Stephanie Lisa

Cause pages (each supports a book's vision):
Facebook page for Save the Polar Bears | Facebook Page for Save the Green Turtles | Facebook Page for Save the Redwood Forests
Stephanie Lisa Tara's Personal Sites:
Candace's Book Blog & CBB Book Promotions
Thanks for hosting a tour stop! I'm glad you enjoyed these adorable books!