For anyone in a relationship, the words 'we need to talk' can only mean one thing. In the last twenty-two years, the McKenzies have been through it, survived it, learned by it, and grown stronger from it, because life didn't stop for breath when they needed it. Amongst the tears and the tragedies, the hopes and happiness, they've built something amazing: a happy family, a luxury lifestyle and a booming empire. Don't they deserve to have it all?
But for the perfect wife, those four sinister words mean something entirely different. They're a summons into a private world where what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors.
Faith has no doubt in Calvin's undying love for her. It's what kept her sane in the darkest hours. If only she could figure out what it is she does wrong... because it’s rapidly becoming apparent their tainted love is running out of time.
Erin Cawood is a commercial women’s fiction author, with a taste for dramatic storylines and a passion for strong lead characters she really gets behind, cheering on right to the very end of their story. Her focus? Taking romance into the darker, edgier side of contemporary fiction.Erin lives in Leeds, UK, with her partner of thirteen years and their fourteen year old cat. She spends her days somewhere between the fiction world and the student world. Fascinated by web design and digial communication, Erin is studing a BA(hons) in New Media at the University of Leeds. Before returning to full time education two years ago, Erin worked at a theme park, a convenience store, a public house/restaurant both in the kitchen and waitressing, as an insurance agent and currently works part time in a customer contact centre.
Connect with Erin!
Website: http://www.erincawood.co.uk
Beyond My Writing Space: http://www.erin-cawood.blogspot.co.uk
“Happy Birthday, Mommy!” Aww! They looked so cute.
“Can we have pancakes now, Daddy?” Zoe cheered.
Pancakes for breakfast on a school day? Not likely. Cal would fly into a rage if I served them anything more than fruit and cereal for breakfast before school. But he placed two plates with two smiley faced pancakes and syrup in front of the girls, then smiled at me.
“Close your eyes.” He wrapped his hand around my eyes. “No peeking,” he said, shuffling me forward.
The hairs rose on the back of my neck. The last time he put his hand around my eyes he’d surprised me with a candle lit bathroom and a romantic bath for two. There’d been good vibes that night, lots of good vibes… and I missed it when the vibe changed. I hadn’t seen it coming. I ended up with a couple of cracked ribs. He said he was sorry and then continued with getting his good vibes afterwards. I closed my eyes and pretended I wasn’t in pain.
“Where are we going?”
“Stay here and stay out of trouble. DOUBLE trouble. I’m going to give Mommy her surprise.”
The moths awoke in my stomach. I didn’t like it when Cal was spontaneous. If I didn’t react the way he expected me to, he’d flip. And when he did something I wasn’t expecting, I didn’t know how he expected me to act. Was it bad I didn’t trust my husband to surprise me anymore?
“It’s awesome, Mommy.” Cate said.
“Can I at least have a clue?”
“It’s the best color in the world! “ Zoe shouted.
“Shush!” Cal hissed. “Sit down and…” he began chuckling as he said, “I’m not sure who’s more excited, me or them.” He cleared his throat and growled, “No more giving Mommy clues.”
Then this was good? He was in a great mood. I released the tense breath I held and let my guard down. I let him take me where ever he wanted to go. Even with his hand covering my eyes, I knew we were in the front hallway. I felt the cool breeze from the open door, heard our footsteps on the hard wood of the porch.
The warmth of his hand slipped away as roared, "Surprise!"
My hands tightened around his. "Oh Cal!" I didn’t believe it. How had he pulled this off? I’d wanted a new car for ages. The SUV was just too hot in the summer but when I’d said this he’d flew off into a rage. But there it was. A beautiful red convertible, top down, with a huge bow on the windshield, and all for me!
"Happy Birthday, Fay."
"Oh Cal," I gushed again, stepping off our porch. I hadn't let go of his hand and dragged him with me. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I traced my fingertips along the curve of the hood.
"It's not the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
My eyes went to his. They looked sincere. Loving. I was the rarest, most precious thing he’d seen. Butterflies took flight in my belly. "Oh, Cal." For the first time in a long time I blushed like a teen. "Stop it."
"You look...” He stepped closer to me. His free hand cupped my cheek and my breath caught, “adorable." You know, with the fierceness of that kiss I’d have... um, well, yes, right there in the driveway. Except we were interrupted.
"Hey, Mom!” We broke apart at Caleb’s voice. “Neat ride!"
"It's my birthday present from your dad." The death glare Caleb sent toward his father took all the joy out of receiving the keys into the palm of my hand. What was that all about? Caleb seemed to have a growing issue with his dad, and I had the intention of finding out what it was. "You... um,” Cal kissed my neck and threw off my train of thought. “...you want to come for a spin?"
"Nah, I have to revise." His enthusiasm for my present had all but disappeared as he mustered a smile. "But take Dad though. I'll take Cate and Zoe to preschool."
"How is that revising?" Cal mumbled into the sensitive part underneath my ear as he kissed me there. He really wasn’t interested in where Caleb was, as long as it wasn’t where we were.
"He’ll have the house to himself when he gets home." I said. "Quick, get your things and I'll drive you to work.” Cal pulled away, and his eyes narrowed as they met mine. He wasn’t happy. “I want to give my baby a whirl."
He rolled his eyes and grinned at me. “Only if I get to give my baby a whirl later.”
“You’re on!”
“Gawd, didn’t anyone ever tell you two your sex life is over when you have kids?” Caleb cringed.
“Yes,” we both said in unison.
“Then will you STOP with the making babies in front of me already!” he cried. “I’m traumatized by it enough!”
Caleb spun on his heel and marched back into the house as we fell about the garden laughing. This was one of the best birthdays I’d had in a long time and it wasn’t even nine A.M.

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