Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend

Rose Zarelli has big plans for sophomore year—everything is going to be different. This year, she’s going to be the talented singer with the killer voice, the fabulous girl with the fashionista best friend, the brainiac who refuses to let Jamie Forta jerk her around...
...but if she’s not careful, she’s also going to be the sister who misses the signals, the daughter who can only think about her own pain, the “good girl” who finds herself in mid-scandal again (because no good deed goes unpunished) and possibly worst of all...the almost-girlfriend.
When all else fails, stop looking for love and go find yourself.
Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend (Confessions #2)
Release Date: 06/18/13
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
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What was the first thing you ever wrote?
I wrote a play when I
was in elementary school, when a group of actors came to the school to run a
workshop. All the students wrote plays for a class-wide contest, and the prize
was that the actors were going to perform it. But the actors got called away to
do a show somewhere else, and the play was never performed. I was so hurt and
disappointed, but someone—maybe my teacher—told me that they had given me
another prize: by choosing my play, they’d told me that I had talent as a
writer. And I think I decided that day that I would keep going.
If you could be a mythical creature, what would it be?
The vampire movie of my
teenage years was called The Lost Boys,
starring Kiefer Sutherland and Jason Patric. At first, I desperately wanted to
be the Jami Gertz character, Star, who was caught between loving the vampire
and loving the good guy. And then, after the third or fourth time I saw it, I
realized, wait! I don’t want to be Star. I want to be the vampire! I liked his
fashion sense and his take-charge attitude better.
Are you excited about the second book in your series coming out?
I am! I’m very excited.
It’s such a treat to have the opportunity to tell more of Rose’s story. I hope
I get to keep going for a few more books, but you never know. It’s a tough
What are you working on right now?
I’m currently in Los
Angeles, writing the pilot for the Confessions series. It was originally a
half-hour format, and now I’m working with my manager to change it to an
hour-long format, to make it more suitable for places like ABC Family and the
CW. It’s a really fun, strange process—it’s like writing the Confessions books
all over again, but in a parallel universe, where everything is shifted by at
least a few degrees, and some of the characters are completely different from
who they were in the books. It’s cool!
What advice do you have for young writers?
It’s cliché but
classic: write everyday. Even when you don’t feel like it. The only way to get
anywhere is to get the words on the page. Don’t be afraid of the blank page—it
won’t bite you. I promise.
Confessions of an Angry Girl
Rose Zarelli, self-proclaimed word geek and angry girl, has some confessions to make
1. I'm livid all the time. Why? My dad died. My mom barely talks. My brother abandoned us. I think I'm allowed to be irate, don't you?
2. I make people furious regularly. Want an example? I kissed Jamie Forta, a badass guy who might be dating a cheerleader. She is nowenraged and out for blood. Mine.
3. High school might as well be Mars. My best friend has been replaced by an alien, and I see red all the time. (Mars is red and "seeing red" means being angry—get it?)
Here are some other vocab words that describe my life: Inadequate. Insufferable. Intolerable.
(Don't know what they mean? Look them up yourself.)
(Sorry. That was rude.)
Confessions of an Angry Girl (Confessions #1)
Release Date: 08/28/12
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
288 pagesLouise Rozett is an author, a playwright, and a recovering performer. She made her YA debut with Confessions of an Angry Girl, published by Harlequin Teen. The next book in the series, Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend, is due out June 2013. She lives with her 120-pound Bernese Mountain dog Lester (named after Lester Freamon from THE WIRE, of course) in one of the world's greatest literary meccas, Brooklyn...and also in sunny Los Angeles. (Being bi-coastal is fun!) Visit www.Louiserozett.com for more info.
One lucky winner will get a signed copy of ANGRY GIRL, a signed copy of ALMOST-GIRLFRIEND, and a $25 iTunes gift card! (US only)
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