Publisher: Scholastic Press
Author: Victoria Scott

What would you do to save someone you love?
In FIRE & FLOOD, Tella Holloway faced a dangerous trek through the jungle and across the desert, all to remain a Contender in the Brimstone Bleed for a chance at obtaining the Cure for her brother. She can't quit--she has to win the race, save Cody, and then fight to make sure the race stops before it can claim any more lives. In the next legs of the race, across the ocean and over mountains, Tella will face frostbite, sharks, avalanche, and twisted new rules in the race.
But what if the danger is deeper than that? How do you know who to trust when everyone's keeping secrets? What do you do when the person you'd relied on most suddenly isn't there for support? How do you weigh one life against another?
The race is coming to an end, and Tella is running out of time, resources, and strength. At the start of the race there were one hundred twenty-two Contenders. As Tella and her remaining friends start the final part of the race, just forty-one are left--and only one can win.
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Victoria Scott is a teen fiction writer represented by Sara Crowe. She's the author of the FIRE & FLOOD series published by Scholastic, and the DANTE WALKER trilogy published by Entangled Teen. Her books have been bought and translated in eleven foreign markets including the UK, Turkey, China, Poland, Germany, Australia, Israel, Taiwan, Brazil, New Zealand, and the Netherlands.
Victoria lives in Dallas with her husband and hearts cotton candy something fierce.
What would you do to save someone you love?
What about risking....
Fire & Flood was one of my favorite books of 2014. I had been looking for another good YA survival novel and wanted something that grabbed my attention like Hunger Games did. So when I picked up Fire & Flood and started reading it....I was totally OBSESSED!!!! (and how about that cover?? Is that not a beautiful, gorgeous cover..AHH!!!!)
Where do I start?.....When you begin a second book you always wonder if its going to be as good as the first or if it is just going to connect the first and prepare you for the 3rd?? Well i got my answer....Salt & Stone is in a whole league of its own...It is just as good as the first...maybe even better. It explores the deeper emotional aspects of the characters while adding even more intense action scenes. Fire & Flood was all about the contenders surviving in the desert and the jungle and Salt & Stone puts the contenders in the ocean and an arctic climate. I thought for sure that the jungle climate would be the most cruel and dire of all the climates they would face....but I was so wrong.....
"The Brimstone Bleed covers four eco-systems: jungle, desert, ocean, and mountain. Or mountain, then ocean. Two we've completed; two remain. We're halfway. Hoorah! Victory dance."
The main character Tella is a phenomenal, intense, and strong character. She is competing in the Brimstone Bleed to get the cure for her dying brother. She is a heroine that everyone will love. She is strong, passionate, and determined. My favorite aspect of her character is how she treats the Pandora's with so much care and respect. She treats them as though they are humans and have all the same emotions and struggles that the contenders do.
I am a huge lover of animals so for Victoria Scott to introduce the "Pandora" aspect into her story and make each of them so unique and unforgettable is what makes this series so special and phenomenal. Tella's Pandora, Madox, had my heart from the beginning. Each of the pandora's have a special ability and I love how Victoria Scott introduces those abilities. Each time a new Pandora is introduced the reader is immediately wondering what their ability is....and only when you least expect when their ability will be revealed. I love that about Victoria's writing....The reader will just be so engrossed in the story and then WHAM she hits you with a twist that will make your jaw drop.....
This series is unlike any other I have ever read. Salt & Stone is not only full of non-stop action and incredible suspense but breath-taking emotions that will take hold of your heart and never let go. The way Victoria writes each character makes them each one unique and special. Even when a character is introduced that at first you feel like you can't the next chapter you will feel totally different....
"Mostly, I remember the way I was before I became a Contender. Competing in this race is like becoming a drug addict. One small slip leads to another, and before you know it, you find yourself in an impossible situation and can't fathom how your life has spiraled so far from what it was."
There is just so much I want to say about this phenomenal incredible book and so many twists that are introduced into this story. Salt and Storm is an survival story full of gripping adventure, breath-taking romance, and non-stop action....readers will be turning pages deep into the night just to see what will happen next.
"I fall asleep this way, entangled in his embrace, entranced by this person I have no future with. It's then, as I drift into oblivion, that I realize--the Brimstone Bleed breaks much more than our spirits."
I don't want to give away anything that may spoil this book for the readers but just know that "if" you have read Fire & Flood.....forget everything you know...because Salt & Storm is going to take you for a wild, emotion-filled, intense ride unlike anything you have read before!!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually sequels are not better than their predecessor.....this one is!!!!!! Victoria Scott....i am in awe of you and your amazing writing skills....I literally cannot wait to read the conclusion to my most favorite series ever....
**The quotes from this book have been taken from an Advanced Reading Copy and are subject to change when the final book is printed. Please refer to the final, finished copy for exact quotes!**
**I want to say Thank You to Scholastic for the opportunity to review this book!!**

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